Whats in my Handbag??
What's in my Bag? Everyday essentials of course!!
This month my bag is full of all my fav products. Wanna check our what I need to get through my day?
Most importantly of course my compact fold up water bottle from Senda Essentials Heading into summer it is super important to stay hydrated and single use plastics? Who needs them when you have amazing products like this out there!
On-the-go Heel Conditioner. Can I just say Thankyou! Thankyou!Thankyou! to Vilda for this great little handbag essential! A quick and easy way to get your heels in line for those strappy summer sandles!
My Vegan Made Delights Peppermint Hemp Lip Balm. I have a lip Balm in every single place I may be throughout the day! Bag, car, beside table, kitchen shelves..... I really dislike Chapped lips okay!!
VonBlu Lipstick in shade Alaska, cause no matter how underdressed you may be a Red Lip is a game changer!
Cookies from Ellas Wisdom. No judgement here, snacks are essential and these contain sooo much goodness there is no choice really!
Shea Butter from Foma Skin. This miracle butter can be used anywhere on your body, Face, Hands, for an instant moisture boost!
Facial Wipes from Wotnot. Organic, biodegradable, suitable for all skin types. With these you are prepared for whatever the day throws at you! Sensitive, yet strong enough to clean off that running mascara when you get caught in the rain!
What are your must have in your bag?